5 Ways to Effectively Prevent Acne in Winter

Acne is triggered by various agents like oil, bacteria, dirt, and dead skin cells choking the skin pores that lead to pimples or blemishes erupting anywhere on the body. Such a condition can affect your skin as an obvious pain point that might worsen over time.

Meanwhile, you might be thinking that your acne will improve this winter owing to a change in temperature that induces less sweating and the application of bug spray. But sorry that’s just a myth. In winter as the skin gets dry, the body responds to the problem with increased sebum production.

Worried about how to manage your pimples this winter? Let’s have a quick look at the possible remedies:

1. Keep Yourself Hydrated

In winter, you might not be having enough water which triggers acne. As the weather turns out to be chilling, the skin becomes chappy. Consuming enough water can help to keep up with hydration while getting rid of toxins.

2. Cleanse Your Face

Apply face cleansers that come with hydrating properties so that your face doesn’t dry up. Since the air carries mist in winter, it can block the pores with several pollutants. Cleansing and exfoliation are critical to maintaining facial hygiene.

3. Moisturize Your Skin

Also, don’t forget to moisturize post taking a bath. Apply heavy moisturizers in acne-prone areas like the neck, back, face and chest. When buying, check the product labels reading ‘non-comedogenic’ which helps to keep pores clean. However, you must not get on with an oil-based moisturizer. For those with oily skin, water-based moisturizer or facial gel can be of great help. Also, oily skin doesn’t negate the need for moisturization. On the other hand, facials, fruit packs, and face packs can offer intense nourishment to your skin, ideal for all skin types.

4. Avoid Excessive Exfoliation

Intense exfoliation drains out the essential skin oils leaving the skin dry. However, increased dryness can then cause breakouts in winter,

5. Exercise and Revitalize Yourself

You shouldn’t neglect your exercise schedule in winter as getting up from bed and going out for a walk can seem to be very lazy on a cold winter morning. Perform exercise indoors. It can be simply Yoga or dance. Either way, going out in the fresh air can offer rejuvenating effects to your skin, thus Prevent acne breakouts in the season!

About Us

Dr. Abhishek Malviya is a Dermatologist, Cosmetologist, Laser Surgeon Specialist and Hair Transplant Surgeon in Pipliyahana, Indore and has an experience of 9 years in these fields.

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