Foods to Avoid if you Have Acne

If you have acne, you may be wondering if there are certain foods that can trigger breakouts or make acne worse. While the link between diet and acne is not fully understood, there is some evidence to suggest that certain foods may exacerbate acne or contribute to breakouts.

Here Are Some Foods That You May Want to Avoid If You Have Acne:

Processed Foods:

Processed foods, such as chips, crackers, and frozen dinners, are often high in refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives, which can contribute to acne. Instead, opt for whole, unprocessed foods that are rich in nutrients and beneficial for skin health.

Dairy Products:

Some studies have suggested that dairy products, particularly cow’s milk, may be linked to acne. This may be due to the hormones and other substances found in cow’s milk, which can stimulate the production of oil in the skin. If you have acne, you may want to try cutting back on dairy or switching to plant-based alternatives.

High-Glycemic Foods:

Foods that are high on the glycemic index, such as white bread, pasta, and sugary drinks, can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, which may contribute to acne. Instead, opt for low-glycemic foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which are absorbed more slowly by the body and are less likely to cause a spike in blood sugar.


While the link between chocolate and acne is not fully understood, some studies have suggested that chocolate may exacerbate acne or contribute to breakouts. If you have acne, you may want to limit your intake of chocolate or choose dark chocolate, which is lower in sugar and may be less likely to cause breakouts.

Fast Food:

Fast food is often high in unhealthy fats, artificial additives, and refined sugars, which can contribute to acne. If you want to prevent acne, it is a good idea to avoid fast food as much as possible and instead opt for healthier, home-cooked meals.

While these foods may not cause acne in everyone, they may exacerbate acne or contribute to breakouts in some people. If you are struggling with acne, it may be a good idea to try cutting back on these foods and see if it makes a difference in your skin. However, it is important to keep in mind that individual results may vary and that a healthy, balanced diet is generally the best way to support healthy skin.

About Us

Dr. Abhishek Malviya is a Dermatologist, Cosmetologist, Laser Surgeon Specialist and Hair Transplant Surgeon in Pipliyahana, Indore and has an experience of 9 years in these fields.

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